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Binder / Filler Nicaragua / Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
The La Tribu line is an ultra-boutique cigar crafted with the expertise of the world's foremost tobacco specialists from Cuba, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. Its flavor profile is distinct, reflecting the essence of these countries. Each cigar is robustly constructed with a unique triple cap head. The La Tribu offers a full-flavored experience with balanced medium to full-bodied strength that intensifies gradually, avoiding the harshness on the throat often found in full-bodied smokes made with immature, under-fermented tobacco. It features rich woody notes with underlying spiciness and hints of fruit and jam, complemented by an exquisite aromatic bouquet. As the smoke develops, it reveals leather and creamy nuances, with the strength becoming more pronounced. This is a hallmark of quality tobacco and expert blending, creating a harmonious blend of flavors and strength akin to the revered Cuban cigars of yore. Each size variant of La Tribu provides a unique flavor profile, meticulously blended to highlight the tobaccos and their proportions. We are proud to present La Tribu cigars, a culmination of a lengthy and passionate endeavor by many associates in the cigar industry. Special gratitude goes to the Cuban Tobacco Research Institute and the esteemed late Alejandro Robaina & Maurice Koks.